Overseas Projects

Paralogic has been actively supporting the work of Motivation Australia since 2014.
Motivation Australia is a not for profit disability and development organisation that works in partnership with local organisations to enhance the quality of life of people with mobility disabilities. Motivation Australia are seeking ways to make urinary management products more consistently available and affordable in low income countries in the Asia Pacific region.
Paralogic and Motivation Australia both understand how vital it is that people can access the assistive devices and medical supplies they need. Unfortunately, in many low income countries, supplies of urinary management products are extremely limited. There are no quality or price controls, no Government subsidies, and users are often reliant upon infrequent donations – or go without.
In 2015 Paralogic offered to support Motivation Australia as they implemented a trial project in Fiji, working with the Fijian Government to supply intermittent self catheterisation packs and training to those undergoing rehabilitation following Spinal Cord Injury.
Motivation Australia CEO Kylie Mines recently carried out a review of the project and was happy to report that “for those who are on the trial, the impacts are significant, in fact, huge.”
Kylie and other team members, visited 11 of the 25 clients on the trial and noted the following impacts:
Improved health (reduced skin problems, improved mental health and less infections)
Significantly reduced financial strain
Being able to go out more (one woman had been using her own cloths, and was having to change her clothes nearly 5 times a day and was therefore never able to go out.She is now dry, and goes out every day)
Increased independence.
Positive outcomes have also included news that the National Rehabilitation Hospital is now actively promoting intermittent self catheterisation with their Spinal Cord injury clients.
Paralogic will continue to support Motivation Australia by supplying catheters to individuals on the trial as we create a positive difference in the lives of others.