Share Your Story

Submissions have now closed and we will be reaching out to those who entered and choosing people to feature in the coming weeks and months. Thank you all for your support.
We know that customer love to hear about other catheter users - so we are asking you, our valued customers, to share your story. The customers that we feature will all be given $100 worth of credit to spend on your next paralogic order as a thank you for your time.
We have opened the first round of customer stories for submission and would ask that your submit your details below by the end of August 2020. This information will not be disseminated to anyone outside of the direct employ of Paralogic without your prior consent.
We will be reading through all the entries and choosing a few of our wonderful customers to profile on our blog.
In order for us to profile you, we would ask that you answer the following questions to the best of your ability and submit 2 photos as requested below.
While we would love to feature all of you, we want to showcase a variety of stories and will be choosing one person a month to add to our collection.
Those selected will need to give us permission to post your images and story on our website. We will arrange a suitable time and contact you by phone for an interview that will allow us to fully understand your story.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.